Hola Familia,
We had a rollercoaster of a week! After the huge
miracles we saw last week, we were all spiritual giants. We had
the chance to share in the Tuesday Zone meeting the things we learned
and the things we felt during the week. The Spirit was super strong as
everyone shared the change of heart and conversion that they had
experienced! Elder Sanchez and I marveled at how we started out with
only a thought that turned into a miracle that we will never forget.
Every single missionary learned a a special lesson tailored to them and
their needs! I didn't have my camera that night but I am going to get
the picture from another missionary in the Zone and send you all a copy
of the baptismal service with the whole zone there!
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to write much on these last
few p-Days! Just know that I love all of you so much and I am striving
to really get everything I can out of the time that I have left.
Everyday is a gift that has no price!
Elder Janis